terça-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2011

Pulp -- Common People

She came from Greece she had a thirst for knowledge
She studied sculpture at Saint Martin's College, that's where I caught her eye.
She told me that her Dad was loaded
I said in that case I'll have a rum and coke-cola.
She said fine and in thirty seconds time she said, I want to live like common people
I want to do whatever common people do, I want to sleep with common people
I want to sleep with common people like you.
Well what else could I do - I said I'll see what I can do.
I took her to a supermarket
I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere, so it started there.
I said pretend you've got no money, she just laughed and said oh you're so funny.
I said yeah? Well I can't see anyone else smiling in here.
Are you sure you want to live like common people
You want to see whatever common people see
You want to sleep with common people,
you want to sleep with common people like me.
But she didn't understand, she just smiled and held my hand.
Rent a flat above a shop, cut your hair and get a job.
Smoke some fags and play some pool, pretend you never went to school.
But still you'll never get it right
'cos when you're laid in bed at night watching roaches climb the wall
If you call your Dad he could stop it all.
You'll never live like common people
You'll never do what common people do
You'll never fail like common people
You'll never watch your life slide out of view, and dance and drink and screw
Because there's nothing else to do.
Sing along with the common people, sing along and it might just get you thru'
Laugh along with the common people
Laugh along even though they're laughing at you and the stupid things that you do.
Because you think that poor is cool.
I want to live with common people, I want to live with common people

domingo, 9 de janeiro de 2011


Na sua maioria os reencontros são sempre algo de surpreendente e engraçados. Por norma acontece quando estamos sozinhos, no nosso canto, por vezes em periodos de intro-inspecção. Em que estamos completamente aparte do que acontece à nossa volta.
Tive à pouquíssimo tempo um reencontro de que nada estava à espera. Sem qualquer tipo de
intenção dois amigos, embora um pouco desconhecidos, decidiram-se encontar para reencontar e falar ou conhecer um pouco mais....
Durante aquelas horas, enquanto falava e ouvia e olhava para ele recordará a primeira vez que o virá ( e o ponto o qual ele me confrontou mais à frente na conversa), ali estaria a ver uma outra pessoa, melhor o começo de outra pessoa, com um ar mais leve, do que vira antes.
Naquelas horas, tal como outrora, falámos, partilhámos, questionámos coisas que nos estão marcadas cá dentro, sentimentos, pessoas, amizades, sociedade, sonhos, desejos, vontades...
Na maioria das vezes, quando conhecemos alguém levantamos um pouco do véu daquilo que somos, (bem há quem use máscara), sem medos ou rodeios...um primeira impressão fica...as vezes é a primeira e depois acabou....mas quando existe um contacto mesmo que seja exporádico, esse conhecimento continua e sem rodeios, existe um à vontade, uma confiança....até que existe um reencontro de presença e ai sentimo-nos bem em relação ao outro e vice-versa. E o que senti neste reencontro foi muito bom pelo simples facto de sermos duas pessoas no mesmo partamar e decidimos de uma forma natural, ingénua sem qualquer tipo de intenção mais intimista carnal e sim uma intenção de passar um momento de companheirismo, simplesmente dois amigos a conversar a criar uma ligação mais forte e sem pensar em nada...no que poderia acabar!
Senti-me muito bem desde á muito tempo....senti que estava com alguém que sentia o mesmo, queria estar com uma pessoa e passar um bom momento, criar laços...simplesmente só estar....e nada mais!
Gostaria de ter encontros assim como este reencontro, pois são um dos mais enriquecedores que poderei ter e partilhar!

Bem Hajas meu amigo!

Belle & Sebastian - Write About Love

I know a spell
That would you make help
Write about love, it could be in any tense, but it must make sense

I know a trick
Forget that you are sick
Write about love, it could be in any form, hand it to me in the morning

I hate my job, I’m working way too much (every day I’m stuck in an office)
At one o’clock, I take my lunch up on the roof
The city’s right below, I’ll ride upon a friend
He’s intellectual and he’s hot, but he understands

The seconds move on (if you watch the clock)
And the sky grows dark (if you’re looking up)
And the girls move from thrill to thrill on the tightrope walk (on the tightrope walk)

I hate my job, I’m working way too much (every day I’m stuck in an office)
At one o’clock, I take my lunch up on the roof
The city’s right below, I’ll ride upon a friend
He’s intellectual and he’s hot, but he understands

I know a way (so you know the way)
Get on your skinny knees and pray (Maybe not today)
You’ve got to see the dream through the windows and the trees of your living room (of your living room)
You’ve got to see the dream through the windows and the trees of your living room